


你最近出去过吗? 你是否感觉像是在太阳表面? We’ve had 12 consecutive months of record-breaking temperatures, 今年夏天可能会成为有记录以来最热的夏天. As temperatures soar, air conditioners have to work extra hard to keep your home comfortable. This can lead to electric bills that are higher than the rest of the year.

“当温度变得极端时, 密切关注你的恒温器是很重要的,凯伦·斯帕克曼说, 澳门网上真人赌博官网客户体验副总裁. “The typical air conditioner can only reduce the temperature by 20 degrees – so when it’s 97 degrees outside, 它只能把你的家冷却到77华氏度. Setting it to anything lower will make your air conditioner work overtime – and will drive up your power bill.”

To better understand seasonal energy use, see 坦帕电’s page on 夏天的账单.

Here are a few ways to use less energy (and help reduce your power bill):

了解更多关于如何调整你的能源使用 能源计算器.

坦帕电 also has several programs that can help you save a few dollars on your bill.

黄金时段SM is a free and easy way to earn credits on your electric bill, saving you money each month. 顾客平均每年赚144美元. It does this by letting 坦帕电 reduce electricity use during periods of extremely high demand. By reducing demand, we can avoid the need to invest in additional power plants.


Our free 能源计划 program is a powerful tool to save money. It allows you to plan your highest energy use during the time of day when demand for electricity is lowest. You can save about a month’s worth of electricity each year – like tossing out one electric bill – by making simple adjustments to the time of day you use electricity.

To continue to help manage your energy costs, you can get a free 能源审计 from 坦帕电. Our online audit identifies areas where you may be wasting valuable energy. 工作日上午8点起致电813-275-3909.m. 到5点.m.

坦帕电 has been encouraging sustainability for over 40 years. 在那段时间里,超过1.79 million customers have participated in the company’s energy-saving programs. 仅在2023年, 超过133,000 of 坦帕电’s customers participated in at least one energy-saving program. One of our goals is to help residential and business customers reduce their overall energy use, 最后是他们的能源成本.

To help assist customers having difficulty making utility bill payments, 坦帕电 matches donations to the 分享 program dollar for dollar. 分享 is administered by the Salvation Army and the Catholic Charities Diocese of St. 彼得堡,专门提供水电费援助. The 分享 program is funded by the generosity of employees, customers and community partners.

坦帕电, 佛罗里达最大的投资者拥有的电力公司之一, 服务超过840人,在佛罗里达州中西部地区,有5000名客户. 澳门线上真人博彩官网是Emera公司的子公司., a geographically diverse energy and services company headquartered in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.
